
Get full Tailwind's configuration

If you want to get configuration file that includes all of Tailwind’s default configuration, use -f or --full option:

npx vitawind -f
# or `npx vitawind --full`

Set customzie filename and path

Tailwind compiling css need to get an output css files. By default, vitawind will named filename like:

  • ./src/index.css

But you can also customize filename you like , to do this , use -o or --output option:

npx vitawind -o {output.css}
# or `npx vitawind --output ...


It's must need an argument of FILE-NAME follow behind -o or --output command.

Using after --output option

Difference with Using part , we need to add a line of css file import , this is output.css , and change the filename to your customize output.css filename setting in last section by -o option :

for Vue

// ./src/main.js
import { createApp } from 'vue'
import App from './App.vue'
import 'your-ouput.css-filename'
// ↑↑↑ add css file using



for React

// ./src/main.jsx
import React from 'react'
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom'
import './index.css'
import App from './App'
import 'your-ouput.css-filename'
// ↑↑↑ add css file using

    <App />


After add to your main script , you can open dev server by npm run dev command as fast as you can ... because , it's working ! Enjoy your devloping time , thank you ! 🤪