
The Tailwind CSS v3 built-in template that can help you setup developing environment quickly and easily.

There are full list of templates:




Vanilla-JS in Vite BETA

Use flag --pure to create project with vanilla-js in vite.

npm init vitawind {project-name} -- --pure

After creating project, you need:

cd {project-name}
npm install
npm run dev

Vue in Vite

Use flag --vue to create project with vue in vite.

npm init vitawind {project-name} -- --vue

After creating project, you need:

cd {project-name}
npm install
npm run dev

Typescript for Vue

To create project with typescript for vue in vite, use flag --vue-ts.

React in Vite

Use flag --react to create project with react in vite.

npm init vitawind {project-name} -- --react

After creating project, you need:

cd {project-name}
npm install
npm run dev

Typescript for React

To create project with typescript for react in vite, use flag --react-ts.


Create React App

Use flag --cra to create project with Create React App.

npm init vitawind {project-name} -- --cra

After creating project, you need:

cd {project-name}
npm install
npm start


Use flag --ng to create project with Angular 12.

npm init vitawind {project-name} -- --ng

After creating project, you need:

cd {project-name}
npm install
npm start